

If you cancel your reservation at least 48 hours before your arrival, this amount will be refunded.
If you cancel less than 48 hours before your arrival, this amount will be retained as the cancellation fee.

Seating is according to the date of registration of bookings.

If you book with a gift voucher, no amount will be deducted at the end of your reservation.

Room placement is based on the registration date of reservations.

If you cancel your reservation at least 48 hours before your arrival, this amount will be refunded.
If you cancel less than 48 hours before your arrival, this amount will be retained as the cancellation fee.

Seating is according to the date of registration of bookings.

If you cancel your reservation at least 48 hours before your arrival, this amount will be refunded.
If you cancel less than 48 hours before your arrival, this amount will be retained as the cancellation fee.

Seating is according to the date of registration of bookings.